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    Канал RT на YouTube.com. RT на русском группа на Одноклассники.ru.

  2. Why do journalists in Mexico keep getting killed? - The Washington Post

    The shooting deaths of Sheila Johana García Olivera and Yesenia Mollinedo Falconi in Veracruz state brought the number of journalists killed in Mexico this year to 11 — more than in Ukraine, where the...

  3. Attivista storica del gruppo Pussy Riot è riuscita a scappare da Mosca

    Maria Alykhina, una delle componenti del collettivo di protesta Pussy Riot , è riuscita a fuggire dalla Russia, dove era scomparsa e dichiarata latitante dall’aprile scorso.

  4. US set to approve $40 billion for Ukraine, seeking long war with Russia

    Us lawmakers are about to approve a $40 billion aid package for Ukraine as Washington looks to prolong the conflict with Russia. Both Republican and Democratic Parties have reached an...

  5. В Петропавловске-Камчатском эвакуировали школы из-за угрозы...

    Канал RT на YouTube.com. RT на русском группа на Одноклассники.ru.

  6. Poltavska Oblast(01:39). Red Alert: aerial threat. - liveuamap.com

    February's cyberattack on the Viasat KA-SAT satellite internet network has been attributed to Russia by the European Union; the incident knocked out critical infrastructure at the onset of the invasion of...

  7. Leonid Kravchuk always stayed with Ukraine, – address by Volodymyr...

    Today has been a difficult day. There was news - both ordinary and tragic. I'll start with international contacts. I continued to address foreign parliaments. Those states and nations whose support is...

  8. Careers

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  9. Entertainment

    Russia targets train stations, weapons depots in latest deadly attacks in Ukraine. UFC star flatlines Khabib rival with stunning kick (VIDEO). ‘To Be or Not to Be’: Is It the Question or the Point?

  10. Why do journalists in Mexico keep getting killed? - The Washington Post

    The shooting deaths of Sheila Johana García Olivera and Yesenia Mollinedo Falconi in Veracruz state brought the number of journalists killed in Mexico this year to 11 — more than in Ukraine, where the...

  11. Attivista storica del gruppo Pussy Riot è riuscita a scappare da Mosca

    Maria Alykhina, una delle componenti del collettivo di protesta Pussy Riot , è riuscita a fuggire dalla Russia, dove era scomparsa e dichiarata latitante dall’aprile scorso.

  12. Adil_Dzhemilev Форум онлайн-игры Криминальная Россия...

    Форум. AMAZING RUSSIA. Меню.

  13. US set to approve $40 billion for Ukraine, seeking long war with Russia

    Us lawmakers are about to approve a $40 billion aid package for Ukraine as Washington looks to prolong the conflict with Russia. Both Republican and Democratic Parties have reached an...

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